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What Can You Do For Your Country?

How can you support America? What can you do today to improve our situation?

If #MakeAmericaGreatAgain isn't your thing, try this #USAMakeItBetterEveryDay


Sadly, the American way of life is fading in importance to some of us,

maybe some younger people never had pride to begin with.

We have been losing freedoms, liberties and God given Human Rights, day by day.


This has happened before and Americans responded, clear & concise.

We identified the enemy and the source of the problems,

we removed our enemy from the situation by force

and we solved our own problems, through struggle & compromise.

1776, 1863. Victories for America!

Let's make 2020 another victory for America!

You dont have to do much, just do your part!



America First!


Why buy cheap foreign-made products which may have been made by child slaves from an international company that undervalues 1.5 Million American employees? I'm talking Wal-Mart. In 2018, Wal-Mart and Sam's Club alone, not including #BigPharma WalGreen's, had over $375 Billion in US Sales. Americans sent $375 Billion hard earned dollars to the 1% Oppressors. Imagine if that $375 Billion stayed in our economy...



Rebuild small businesses, support your community. If its not made in America, why can't it be? Here's an idea, if you can't find a business you need, create one! Every single item available in WalMart could also be purchased independent from WalMart by another American retailer.



I too was once completely lost at sea, treading water, in the unpredictable US job market. I just decided one day to do something more important with life, and turn a hobby into a movement/business. Yet I look on social media, and people are starting businesses from home like Fruit Smoothie Deliveries, Nail/Hair designs, Custom T-Shirts, trading cryptos, designing websites, creating marketing campaigns, 3-D Printing PPE, etc.. You can do whatever you want to do in life, including becoming the President, without political experience, just like Donald Trump. All you have to do is put in work and build towards your dreams.



When you spend $100 at Wal-Mart, the Walton Family, the 1%, make out. When you spend $100 at Tom's All-American department store, you're helping Tom pay for his kids little league baseball team, you are supporting youth sports, and your community. Tom doesn't have to work for someone else doing unfulfilling work, he is now an entrepreneur living the American Dream in the Land of Opportunity. Tom can have his family visit him at work, even help out. Tom becomes well known in the community, and he takes pride in it, and encourages others to do so. Tom doesn't order Made In China, so Tom needs Americans to distribute American products. Just like that, Tom has created a demand for American jobs on American soil.



The USA has many allies worldwide, you could say we have helped all 190+ countries at one time or another. Made in Singapore is fine, they are a tiny nation that imports almost everything, and thanks to President Trump they import majority of their product from US. However, they can't afford to keep buying American, without income returning to their country, so buying Made In Singapore, supports an ally who will return the favor. #KnowledgeIsPower

Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong are ASEAN nations allied with the US, and by supporting them we are keeping them from relying on cheap Chinese slave labor goods and oppressive debt-trap diplomacy, ask Indonesia & Malaysia, and soon to be Kenya & Angola. NAFTA was just replaced with USMCA, which will prioritize American made goods in Canada & Mexico, aka first dibs for American sellers, and in return we will buy Mexican and Canadian. Mexico exports a lot of Produce to the US, and Canada exports canned food, medicals, etc.

Buying American should be the first choice, but when in doubt, go for an ally.



Bottom line, by buying American products you're empowering American workers and families, building our communities, keeping American money in America. You're creating demand for American workers to make American goods! Some day when we have all the All-American goods we can handle, we can export American Made products worldwide, and disrupt the labor corruption and government tyranny that happens in some foreign countries. When all Americans are gainfully employed, empowered, hopeful for the future, there is no limit to what we can  achieve and we will solve problems one by one. The CEOs of Pepsi, McDonald's, KFC, Netflix, Verizon, Apple, Samsung, BestBuy, SONY etc. couldn't care less what happens to you, but someone in your community can and will help you in times of need.

That's the American Way!

Buy American!

Support Your Fellow Americans!


We are all created equal! Every color: white, black, brown, red and yellow. Males & Females, etc. All Christians, Muslims & Jews, even the Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and the Agnostics. The Mentally & physically handicapped, from 3 Foot short to 7 foot tall. 98 lbs soaking wet to My 600 Pound Life. Hetero, Homo, Bi, whatever your preference. We each have certain things that are important to us as groups but as a a WHOLE, we all have the same goals.

*More Coming Soon*

Protect the Constitution

This is a no-brainer, but

*Stay Tuned, Coming Soon*


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I Am A Real American

by JRKD Enterprises



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