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Clarence ‘Cowboy’ Lutrall

Championship Wrestling from Florida

Clarence "Cowboy" Luttrall was a professional wrestler and promoter who became a key figure in the development of wrestling in the Tampa, Florida, territory. Luttrall's promotion laid the groundwork for what would eventually become **Championship Wrestling from Florida (CWF)**, one of the most influential wrestling territories in the United States.

### **Early Career and Transition to Promoting**

Clarence Luttrall began his career as a professional wrestler in the 1930s, adopting the ring name "Cowboy Luttrall." He worked primarily in the southeastern United States and developed a solid reputation for his in-ring skills and his rugged, tough persona, which fit well with the "Cowboy" moniker. Luttrall’s career as an active wrestler extended into the 1940s, but his interests gradually shifted towards the promotional side of the business.

Around the mid-1940s, Luttrall decided to settle in Tampa, Florida. At the time, Tampa was not considered a major wrestling market, but Luttrall saw potential in the city due to its growing population and the burgeoning sports scene. He began promoting wrestling shows in the Tampa area, using his knowledge of the business and his connections with various wrestlers and promoters throughout the South.

### **Establishing Tampa as a Wrestling Territory (1949-1953)**

In **1949**, Luttrall made a significant move by securing a partnership with the Tampa-based **Shrine Club** and the local Elks Lodge, where he began promoting weekly wrestling shows. He leveraged these relationships to establish a regular venue for wrestling, which allowed him to build a consistent following among Tampa’s sports fans.

Luttrall’s shows initially featured local and regional talent, but he soon began bringing in more recognizable names to draw bigger crowds. He developed a reputation for promoting exciting matches and began to build a strong local audience. By establishing a regular schedule and maintaining good relationships with local venues and community organizations, Luttrall positioned Tampa as a viable wrestling territory.

### **Joining the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) (1953)**

To legitimize his territory and expand his reach, Luttrall sought membership in the **National Wrestling Alliance (NWA)**, which was the governing body of wrestling territories in North America. In **1953**, Luttrall’s promotion became an official member of the NWA, granting him the right to promote NWA-sanctioned events and use the NWA World Heavyweight Champion on his cards. This association helped elevate the prestige of the Tampa territory, allowing Luttrall to draw on the talents and resources of the broader NWA network.

By aligning with the NWA, Luttrall could attract top wrestling talent and champions from other territories, giving his shows star power and further solidifying Tampa as a hotbed for wrestling. He promoted major shows at the **Fort Homer W. Hesterly Armory** in Tampa, which would become a legendary wrestling venue.

### **Rise of Championship Wrestling from Florida (1950s-1960s)**

Throughout the 1950s, Luttrall's Tampa territory grew steadily in popularity, with weekly wrestling shows drawing large crowds. He promoted wrestlers like **Eddie Graham**, **Buddy Rogers**, **Lou Thesz**, **Johnny Valentine**, and **Dusty Rhodes**, among others, who helped establish Tampa as a major wrestling city.

In the late 1950s, Luttrall began working closely with Eddie Graham, who was a rising star and a well-respected figure in the wrestling world. By the early 1960s, Graham had moved to Florida and began collaborating more closely with Luttrall. This partnership led to the creation of **Championship Wrestling from Florida (CWF)** in 1961. Initially, Luttrall retained significant control of the promotion, but over time, Graham took on more responsibilities.

### **Transition of Power to Eddie Graham (1961-1966)**

By **1961**, Eddie Graham had become the primary booker for Championship Wrestling from Florida. Graham’s vision for the territory, combined with his wrestling acumen and connections in the business, helped elevate CWF to national prominence. Luttrall, recognizing Graham’s potential, gradually transitioned more control of the territory to him.

In **1966**, Luttrall officially sold his share of the promotion to Graham, marking the end of his role as the primary promoter of the Tampa territory. However, Luttrall stayed involved in the business in an advisory capacity and continued to promote occasional events.

### **Legacy of Cowboy Luttrall and the Tampa Territory**

Cowboy Luttrall is credited with laying the foundation for professional wrestling in Florida, particularly in Tampa. His early efforts in establishing regular wrestling shows, forming alliances with local organizations, and securing membership in the NWA were crucial to the territory's growth. Under Luttrall's guidance, Tampa became a hub for wrestling talent and a key market in the wrestling landscape.

The transition of power to Eddie Graham marked the beginning of a new era for Florida wrestling, with CWF becoming one of the most influential territories in the United States. While Graham is often credited with elevating CWF to national prominence, it was Luttrall’s groundwork in the late 1940s and 1950s that made this possible.

Luttrall’s contributions to wrestling in Florida are remembered for his role in developing Tampa as a wrestling city, his early promotion of major stars, and his willingness to partner with the NWA to ensure his territory's survival and success.

Clarence ‘Cowboy’ Lutrall
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